
The Arts are alive and well in San Antonio. Join us here for the highlights of the best and brightest talent in the categories of art and design that are shaping the fabric and landscape of our great city.

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January 30, 2020 at 8:54pm

2019 was a fantastic year to highlight local art and design in San Antonio! Below are our top five most viewed articles in 2019.

November 29, 2019 at 11:37am

In November 2019, our M!SA Advisory Panel spoke with local students about their career choices in professions like architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, graphic design, culinary arts, contemporary art, and film. Click the image below to watch and pass this video along to those you know who want to pursue a career in the visual arts!

January 06, 2020 at 12:00pm

Taeg Nishimoto is a graduate professor in the College of Architecture, Construction and Planning at UTSA. Originally from Japan, his interests span from all methods of architectural design from the theoretical to the technical. Professor Nishimoto is an impressive resource for UTSA students. As stated on his biography on the UTSA website:

October 03, 2019 at 1:25pm

I have to be honest with you. Eighteen months ago, I truly wondered what on earth I was doing here. “Here,” meaning a seat on the Advisory Panel for Modern in San Antonio, dedicated to highlighting the best and brightest of local modern design, art, places, and events. Yes, I’m a Creative Director at the agency that MiSA came to for its brand identity and website design and development, but beyond that, I questioned the value I could bring to a meaningful discussion on modern design and art in our city.

June 11, 2019 at 10:53am

Ten years ago the local painter, Rex Hausmann, had a solo exhibition in New York City and dreamed of one day bringing San Antonio artists back with him to have a group show.

April 23, 2019 at 1:47pm

Fiesta medals truly are an expression of celebration and San Antonio’s culture. Every year in preparation for Fiesta (our annual city-wide week-long party at the end of April), organizations and individuals around the city take to sketching on napkins or even opening up graphics programs to get cracking on a design.  We wanted to provide an opportunity to highlight what people are doing to contribute to the wonderful burst of festivity that Fiesta brings, specifically expressed through the wearable art of Fiesta medals!

March 19, 2019 at 10:30pm

If you aren’t familiar with the iconic modern furniture company, Knoll International, then allow us to take you on a journey through a piece of design history with a local connection. The company was founded by Hans Knoll in 1938 in New York City, and after his death in 1955, his wife Florence Knoll took over as head of the company.  Florence Knoll was not just a business owner but a forward-thinking designer.

February 21, 2019 at 1:58pm

The 20th century brought about rapid advancements in societies around the globe at a rate that arguably rivaled any previous millennia in recorded history. Some of these advancements brought about exciting technological marvels such as the application of electricity, indoor plumbing, transportation, computers, mass production, the use of steel in high-rise building construction, photography, motion pictures, and the list goes on.

January 16, 2019 at 2:31pm

This weekend, January 20th to be exact, is your last chance to see the ‘Becoming John Marin: Modernist at Work’ exhibit at the San Antonio Museum of Art. If you love to sketch or love watercolor as a medium, this exhibit will be especially interesting to you. It features a full range of the artist/architect’s early to late works.

December 31, 2018 at 5:41pm

Last year was a great one for M!SA as we continued to highlight many different talented local people and projects!  Below are our top 5 most viewed articles of 2018!